
  • I accept: Regence BCBS of Utah, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, Quest Behavioral Health, and Carelon Behavioral Health.

    Click to verify coverage and get a copay estimate

  • In summer of 2025 I will accept: Regence BCBS of Utah, Aetna, Cigna, United Healthcare, Quest Behavioral Health, Carelon Behavioral Health

    Click to verify coverage and get a copay estimate

  • Out of pocket price is $165 per session

  • Some churches will provide funding for mental health services. I accept clergy pay at $165 per session.

  • To better serve those in need of treatment I reserve a few spots that are for sliding scale and pro-bono clients. These are for clients who do not have access to therapy either financially, or through insurance.

    If you’d like to apply for these spots, please fill out a form here! If you’d like some free mental health resources, I’ve compiled a list here.